Adverse Conditions

Arch D. Smith

I worked in photography most of my life, as an aerial photographer, movie, still, and even taught underwater photography for a college but working in a SCAPE suit and using a 4x 5 presented problems that were not ideal.  Focusing was next to impossible.  I had to either set the focus to the hyper-focal distance of the lens and hope for the best, or use the sliding scale on the bed of the camera. Flashbulbs or strobe lighting could not be used during fueling operations of missiles and if a problem occured after sundown, that needed to be documented by photography, I had to use a safety light on an extention cord and "paint the picture during a time exposure.

This picture was taken (of me) during the research and develepment program of the Titan II at Cape Canaveral......

Arch D. Smith

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